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Second half in a sentence

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Sentence count:294+9Posted:2018-09-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: secondhandsecond handsecond-handsecond-hand storesecondsecondlysecondarypicosecondMeaning: n. the second of two halves of play. 
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91. The second half is more to her liking.
92. Coach Packard made two substitutions in the second half.
93. Iowa State regained the lead in the second half.
94. In the second half, he suddenly changed tack.
95. The onslaught continued into the second half.
96. The second half brought more misery.
97. They created several openings in the second half.
98. Notre Dame's offense was stone-cold in the second half.
99. England's only goal came midway through the second half.
100. The Broncos faded in the second half.
101. Lassiter was subbed for Ramos in the second half.
102. Viewer tolerance level tested: Before the start of the second half, as Bill Macatee cooperated with a Tostitos live commercial.
103. The Chiefs led 7-0 when the Raiders began the second half with a long, promising drive.
104. The really rapid growth in the second half of the 1990s was the result of an economy living beyond its means.
105. In the second half, Cranleigh were spurred into action and began to threaten Caroline Bush, making her debut in goal.
106. Both missed with other attempts before Stephens made amends in the second half, landing another three penalties and kicking three conversions.
107. He put in a superb second half, scored twice and Palace had to come home defeated by 2-3.
108. This page Business failures: Business failures soared by more than a third in the second half of this year.
109. The amazing Prudhoe stood between Bolton and a point in the second half with some great saves.
110. The toolkit is scheduled for release the second half of 1993.
111. Analysts are looking for full-year profits approaching £160m, after the important second half.
112. Centre Bill Harbinson went off early in the second half with a groin injury and could miss the rest of the season.
113. The go-ahead for September eventually came in the second half of April.
114. It was even Steven in the second half, but towards the end Gloucester roared into life.
115. My loyalty is to the Giants and the priority is Thursday and the second half.
116. But in the second half,[] Newcastle were first past the post.
117. He stretched the lead two minutes into the second half with his fourth kick.
118. Those doubts continued as Pittsburgh came out and reversed the situation in the second half.
119. Wallace got another in the second half to make the final score 2-0, bring the car in future boys.
120. They kept pace with Minnesota on two Cole Ford field goals in the second half.
More similar words: secondhandsecond handsecond-handsecond-hand storesecondsecondlysecondarypicosecondsplit-secondsecond windsecond selfsplit secondsecond to nonesecond bestsecond basesecond matesecond gearsecondmentnanosecondsecond-ratesecond-bestsecond-classfemtosecondsecondarilysecond comingsecond-guesssecond classmicrosecondbits per secondmillisecond
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